Martyr Beheshti was a nation


Shahid Beheshti


Bismar al-Shohada and Al-Sadiqin

Today, the Iranian nation is mourning the victims of the terror in the 1960s

Western terrorist governments, with the help of the hypocrites, have slaughtered the best sons of this nation

ISIL’s hypocrites, on July 7, 2006, created a heinous crime with the bombing of the meeting place of the Islamic Revolutionary Party of Iran’s Shahid Beheshti Party and 72 other Islamic Revolutionary Party members. The supreme men of the revolutionary and brave men of combat and the scholars and brains of the thoughtful and constructive people of the Hezbollah Ummah And firstly, the way of the younger revolution was separated by cowardly testimony

But the powerful revolution continued its path

The cowardly executioners of this bloody incident took refuge in European countries, and human rights organizations remained silent, remembering the memory of the martyrs of the seventh of July 60th


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